Successful Cases

Virtual Hydrological Simulation Demonstration System

With the purpose of strengthening, forecasting, early warning, rehearsal, and planning, digitize hydrological, topographic, meteorological, and hydraulic engineering data to help decision-makers explore hydrological laws in the long term, monitor in real time, warn of disasters, and conduct scientific research. It covers multiple real-world three-dimensional terrains and high-precision oblique photography models of power stations, digital elevation models, and achieves the integration of multi-source heterogeneous data, with a total volume of up to 120GB.

Smart Transportation - Low Altitude Economy

The application of drones integrating smart transportation is driving the rapid development of the new era's low-altitude economy, and digital low-altitude further promotes the development of smart transportation, realizing the digital transformation of transportation infrastructure, the refinement of governance in the transportation industry, and the intelligence of transportation services benefiting the people and facilitating enterprises.

Intelligent Highway Prevention and Control System

According to the risk level and characteristics of existing problems on highways, this project implements the principle of "risk classification and stratified measures", by constructing high, medium, and low-risk disposal measures to address highway safety risks in different scenarios.

Integrated Management Platform for Smart Cities

Powerful data center combined with self-developed 3D map to synthesize all-dimensional cockpit, strategic AI engine automatically analyzes clues to open monitoring support decision-making, docking with handheld terminals to coordinate closed-loop system for dispatching command and recording, various types of events are consolidated, managed, tracked, and disposed of in progress

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